Learn the simple – yet highly effective – practice techniques of professional pianists, and fast-track your piano progress, whether you’re a beginner or you’ve been playing for years.

“This book is a game-changer.”

PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT is the ultimate practice guide for adult pianists who want to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Why does it take me so long to learn a song?"

Do you spend weeks or months repeating a piece over and over and still can't get through it without mistakes?

Are you frustrated because you play great when you're alone, but when you have an audience, your fingers freeze and your mind goes blank?

You're not the only one.
In fact, most adult pianists deal with these same issues.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You know those pianists you admire?
The ones who unleash a beautiful trail of music as their fingers fly effortlessly over the keys?

They didn't get there by luck or by talent alone.
They earned their skills through a process we call practicing.

Unfortunately, most people never learn how to practice effectively.
Where would they learn?

Apps don't teach you how to practice.

"Teach yourself piano" type of books don't teach you how to practice.

Most online courses don't teach you how to practice.

Even many piano teachers don't teach you how to practice.


(which is EXCELLENT advice)

So, it's no big surprise that pianists spend their time PLAYING
music over and over and over again, and mistakenly think they are "PRACTICING."

This is the ONE THING that keeps you from learning music fast and playing it well.


(no matter how many times you do it)

is not the same thing


Here's why:

uses the analytical functions of your brain. This includes:

uses the creative functions of your brain. This includes:

Notice that the PRACTICING column has a lot of "figuring it out" types of activities that are easy to define,
while the PLAYING column involves the "artistic" part of playing music?

When you try to do both the analytical and creative actions at the same time, your brain experiences overload.

Your fingers don’t know where to go.

Your mind has trouble focusing.

Your playing slows down.

You make mistakes.

You get gridlock.

There's a very simple solution that quickly gets you out of this kind of gridlock.
By breaking down the learning process and using specific practice techniques for:

you give yourself the chance to absorb, process, and coordinate the complex mental and physical tasks involved in playing even the simplest music.

Imagine knowing exactly what to do each time you sat down to practice.

Imagine having a system that turned you into a learning machine.

Imagine confidently setting and achieving your piano goals.

Imagine finally ending the struggle and enjoying the journey.

It’s absolutely possible and available for you.

Hi, I’m Marina, Your Best Piano-Playing Friend! You may know me from my YouTube channel,  The Piano Keys, or as the creator of courses, books, and sheet music that have helped thousands of adults around the world reach their piano goals.

Through a lifetime of studying, performing, and teaching the piano, I’ve developed a no-fail system of practicing that gives me the power to learn as much music as I want, reliably and without endless hours spent spinning my wheels.

And I’ve taught my method to students of all ages, who have gone on to achieve levels of playing they had only dreamed of – while practicing less and enjoying it more.

After seeing countless frustrated adults struggling and ultimately giving up on their dreams of playing the piano,  I decided to make my tools available to anyone who wanted to finally take control of their playing.

I’ve put everything I know about practicing in a fun and easy-to-read book,  Practice Makes Permanent

This book goes far beyond just the "What To Do." Marina lays out the "Why," "When," and "For How Long" specifics of the practice strategies. In many cases, specific Practice Steps are suggested to target specific difficulties. Practice Makes Permanent is exactly what I would have wished for. For my money this is the best $$ you could possible spend on a piano practice guidebook.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Herman N.
I LOVE, LOVE the content of this amazing book. It is so well written and easy to understand and follow.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Anna M.
Your book is a treasure. Still many pages to read, but I'm using your strategy and already seeing results!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cora-Lill K.

Have you ever heard the saying, “practice makes perfect?”

Well, it’s not true.

PRACTICING doesn’t guarantee any results.

TIME spent practicing doesn’t guarantee any results.

It’s the QUALITY of your practice that matters.

If you’re practicing the wrong things in the wrong way, chances are very good that you’ll never even come close to perfection.

And, in piano, if you practice with bad form for long enough, not only will you not be “perfect” you may also develop repetitive use injuries like tendinitis or carpal tunnel syndrome, making it even more difficult (or impossible) to play.

By investing just a couple of hours in this book, you will learn:

why children seem to learn so much faster than adults – and how you can harness this power no matter your age

surprisingly simple practice steps that save you years of effort

how to learn a new song, how to take a song you already know to the next level, and how to memorize reliably

advanced practice techniques you should use, especially if you’re not an advanced pianist

exact formulas for combining practice steps to reach your personal goals

how to set daily goals that make sense and get you where you want to be

how to stay motivated, especially if you are a busy adult with a full life

PLUS you get these awesome FREE BONUS materials:


This in-depth worksheet helps you really dig down and figure out your piano goals. Because knowing "where you're going" is the most imporant first step to getting there.


All the practice steps in one convenient chart that you can print out or pull up on your device and quickly refer to when you're at your piano.


The EXACT steps in the EXACT order for learning a new piece, all in one handy chart.


Follow the targeted practice steps in this chart for those times when you need to conquer the more challenging parts of your music.


After you've learned the basics, follow the little-known practice techniques in this cart to take your music to the next level


Ready to memorize that piece you've been working on? Follow the highly-effective steps in this cart to get there faster and more reliably - every time.

There are so many nuggets of great advice for practicing! Thanks so much for producing such a valuable book.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Terry B.
You are so thoughtful and you really did your research. I have to say that this books is excellent and a game-changer.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tuan H.

Read on your device or print it out. Includes FREE high-resolution file for printing + ALL BONUS MATERIALS




Listen anytime, anywhere – perfect for people who like to multi-task + ALL BONUS MATERIALS



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